Lenk Still Turning Trash Into Treasure - Radio Ink

Actor Tommy Lenk has taken his talents to podcasting with Trashcast, now on the Ladygang Network on PodcastOne. The Buffy the Vampire and Rock of Ages star will interview pop-culture personalities and celebrities about their lives and personal stories. Embracing Lenk's theme of turning one person's trash into another's treasure, guests will bring in an item that has become trash to them, and share in the joy of a future guest receiving the gift.
Lenk said, "Celebs bring me their prized possessions and items that no longer 'spark joy,' and I try to figure out what's trash and what's treasure. I'm like a totally unqualified Marie Kondo, with none of the discipline and a very shoddy work ethic. Okay, so we're the complete opposite — but I do think you'll enjoy the magical art of NOT tidying up with me. And remember, one man's trash is another man's podcast…I mean TRASHcast!"
Available now on PodcastOne.com and Apple Podcasts, the premiere episode features Ladygang host, and Glee and Hallmark star, Becca Tobin, revealing she left Tom some treasures when she attended one of his live shows in the past.
Hear the first episode HERE or HERE.
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Original source: https://radioink.com/2019/10/09/lenk-still-turning-trash-into-treasure/
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